Student Success – Minutes March 27, 2014

Student Success – Minutes March 27, 2014

Student Success Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 27, 2014
2:10 pm – 3:30 pm

I. Approval of minutes

II. Charter

The charter was reviewed and modified based upon feedback from Governance Council and additional discussion with the committee. Mission and responsibilities seemed appropriate. Membership representation was slightly modified to include key individuals across campus.

III. Enrollment Priorities

Changes to the overall enrollment priority process were reviewed, and it was agreed that the current priorities meet the interest of our students, and the new mandates of 3SP. Further discussion was recommended on separate enrollment periods for summer and fall, and when enrollment priorities should begin (before or after the semester is completed).

IV. Celebrate Success

A Recognition Dinner is scheduled for Friday, April 25th, 6:00-8:00pm. Approximately 25 students and 25 employees will be honored. The dinner is designed to be a fun night to celebrate the accomplishments of our successful, influential, dedicated and hard working students, staff, faculty, and community partners. All honorees will receive a glass globe award, and a gift certificate to the Cougar Corner Bookstore!

I. Next Meeting

Thursday, April 24th, 2:10-3:30, S-11


Student Success Minutes (3.27.14)