Student Success – Minutes April 9, 2015

Student Success – Minutes April 9, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015
2:10 pm – 3:30 pm

Members Present:

Fernando Lara, Velda Pena, Candace Duron, Juana Escobedo, Stacie Rancano, Nancy Artiga, Karen Ziegler, Jill Brown, Paul Blake, Agnes Eguaras and Adam Hightower

Approval of Minutes

  • Minutes for the 2/12/15 meeting were approved.


  • Some members felt they didn’t gain as much as they expected to at the retreat.
  • Some members enjoyed hearing an outside perspective on techniques and tools for the college to utilize.
  • Committee members asked “what do we do with this information?”
  • Darcy stated they need to focus on 1 or 2 things that is scalable to help students complete their courses.


  • Darcy distributed an exercise that was used at the GC retreat to provide them an example of problems identified by GC Retreat attendees and research practices suggested to solve the problems.
  • Darcy stated at the retreat they were provided TC retention and completion data for the exercises (not including distance learning students).
  • At the retreat, it was stressed that history was more important and you learn more from what has happened in the past. Data confirms what we are doing has helped.
  • Darcy suggested creating focus groups to get input on how to provide the right strategies and courses.
  • Should the committee focus on the biggest problem and how to impact it?
  • Maybe the committee should focus on things they can control and what really matters such as course completion and retention?
  • How do we break habits?
  • Maybe they should look at solutions that are scalable?
  • Use data to tell a story.
  • What do they want to see changed?
  • Each person has their own opinion but by working together they can collectively find out what the cause of identified problems are? Quit guessing and use data or history.
  • Online course vs. on-campus courses may have different reasons for success/failure.

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